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Annual Report 2023

In 2023 the Amsterdam University Fund once again achieved many things, partly thanks to your support. In this annual report, you will find some great stories about what has been achieved and about the opportunities that students, PhD students and researchers were able to take advantage of.

History of the fund

The Amsterdam University Fund promotes academic excellence with support for research and facilities that are essential for a rich academic environment.

The tradition of philanthropy dates back to 1632, when local merchants established an academic institution that would one day become the University of Amsterdam. Over the years, the fund has sponsored essential research and spearheaded the preservation and conservation of the UvA’s treasured Special Collections: from Egyptian antiquities and medieval manuscripts to cookery books and comics.

With recognized charity status in the Netherlands and the USA, the Fund relies on contributions both small and large – including earmarked bequests forming the basis for Named Funds – to finance scholarships, essential research and the preservation of academic heritage. 

Board and staff

The Amsterdam University Fund is an independent foundation. The Board of the fund is responsible for policy making, fund raising, grant management, asset management and the annual reporting. Granting subsidies is party delegated to specific committees. The tasks and responsibilities are laid down in Articles of Association (in Dutch).

The Board members are volunteers. The Board consists currently of the following members (between brackets their main activities):

  • Adriaan Krans, chairman (interim manager and advisor in the private and semi-public sector);
  • Marieke Frijlink, treasurer (controller at UMC Utrecht);
  • Roos Bernelot Moens, member (head of Fundraising & Relations at Dutch National Opera & Ballet);
  • Prof. Chantal van der Horst, member (Emeritus Professor Plastic Surgery).

The day-to-day business is run by a staff of currently six people, headed by Melchior Bussink, managing director. He is responsible for the execution of the policy as set by the Board. All staff members are employees of the University of Amsterdam.

  • Tax status

    The Amsterdam University Fund is a non-profit organisation and classified as an institution within the meaning of Section 3:33 of the Income Tax Act 2001 (Wet inkomstenbelasting 2001). The foundation is not liable to pay corporation tax or VAT.

    The Dutch Tax and Customs Administration has classified the Amsterdam University Fund as an institution for general public advancement (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI) under Section 24, paragraph 2 of the Inheritance Tax Act (Successiewet). The tax registration number is: 8072.09.259.