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Last year marks the inaugural presentation of the AUF Starting Grant to eight promising young scientists at Amsterdam UMC. Each recipient is granted 25,000 euros to advance their innovative research or educational project, propelling their careers to new heights. The Starting Grant is made possible by the Spinoza Fund of the Amsterdam University Fund (AUF).

A total of 49 young researchers submitted applications. In 2024, a new call for applications will be announced. 

Research on urgent medical topics 

These young scientists are delving into urgent medical issues. For instance, Patrick de Jonge from the Amsterdam Gastroenterology Endocrinology Metabolism (AGEM) research institute aims to unravel the connection between specific viruses in the intestines and cardiovascular diseases. Lotta Seppala from the Amsterdam Public Health (APH) research institute will utilise her grant to develop a tool that reduces falls in the elderly. The other researchers also aspire to achieve groundbreaking results with their research. 

Eligibility for the AUF Starting Grant 

To qualify for a AUF Starting Grant, applicants must have earned their doctorate less than five years ago, hold a temporary contract with Amsterdam UMC or AMR, and have their application endorsed by one of the eight research institutes at Amsterdam UMC or be integrated into the regular education programmes of the Faculty of Medicine at the UvA. 

New call: deadline July 4, 2024

The new call opens on May 16, 2024, and the deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, July 4, 2024, at 23:59. Interested young researchers can find more information on this website. Contact address:

Contribute to this fund 

Would you also like to support young scientific talent? The Spinoza Fund is open to contributions from third parties. You can make a donation via the website or contact Juliëtte Nieuwland about this via e-mail or by phone at 06-28311768.